Saturday, April 20, 2013

Adapting to and Exploring the Environment ( Week 3 )

My Perspective on Weeks 3 reading. 

          When reading week 3's chapters i realized that we all will adapt and explore things in our environment differently.  Today when watching my 3 and 6 year old's at the park they were interested in many different things i tried to get their interest in the same thing but it would not work. I noticed when they were playing because of the difference in ages they were totally on different levels of thinking. My son is really outgoing and wants to try anything however my daughter is very cautious and does not like to go out of her comfort zone. With reading Piagets theory i learned that all children learn at different times and we have to be the ones to show them not tell them how to do things. Children learn by showing how things are done and then the correspond with what you are showing them in different ways. Children look at things in a different way then teens and adults do. However i think even teens and adults look at things differently and that was not said so i don't know if i miss understood the theory but if you have any thoughts on this please feel free to tell me what you think. 


  1. i also got that from piagets theory. it is odd to me how children can be around the same age, yet so different in the things that they do. although alot of it could be the gender difference. i know that for me if an adult or someone superior were to SHOW me something, instead of just tell me, i would be more willing to do it. Depending what it is, im not one to take orders with out someone showing me first.

  2. I think that theory is based on the fact that young children are still gaining experiences in which they will learn from and adapt. Eventually, they will make their own opinions about how things are supposed to be. Everyone has different learning styles, some learn by watching, listening, doing, etc. Older children can be looked up to by their younger siblings/peers and therefore very influential in a child's learning. Sometimes I've noticed if I say something to my younger daughter it goes in one ear and out the other but if her older sister tells her the same exact thing she says "Oh, that makes sense" :)
