Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 5

Parenting styles and differences:

       There are so many different styles of parenting and every parent is different in their parenting styles. However, Not every style is the best to be taught. Some parents are more hands on with school work, discipline or even just staying on top of what their child is doing at any moment. Then there's parents who let their children do what ever they want to. With this style of parenting children don't tend to care about what their parents think or how they feel about what they are doing. With the parent who is all over their children's doing are always looking over their back wondering about what is going to happen if their parents find out. Why do you think that these two different styles are so different and how do you feel about how they justify discipline or how the children turn out? 

         I read in chapter 7 that your income level tends to explain how you parent and how you children are raised depends on where you live or how you live or even how stressed out you life is. I don't think that this is all true but i do understand how parents are to tried to deal with there kids when they get home and they don't have time because they work all the time. However as a parent my self I like to think that my children are polite and  respectful to others and always mind their own around our house. I work about 32 hours a week and go to school for 6 hours a week and then my husband works any where between 40 to 50 hours a week. however my kids have respect they help around the house and I do not allow them to just wonder the streets at anytime however I do allow them their own time to just be kids but have there respect to my husband and i at the same time with consequences for their actions if in trouble. 

      How do you feel about parenting and do you think that children should be allowed to do what they want to do? 

1 comment:

  1. No i do not think that children should be able to do what they want to do. i mean thats why they have parents. parents should be setting a good example for their kids. Although there are some parents who i believe are way too strict, or some that are not strict enough.
