Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 8 learning to let go as Parents.

This always happens to me lately I have had to learn to let go of my children I know i'm crazy but it's hard. In the last 2.5 years i have become a full time student and also a full time working mother in the past few months. I was lucky in the past that i was a full time mother and stay at home mom and when i went back to work i had to learn to let go. As much as they wanted me home we all had to learn that this was not always possible and that we all had to get use to mommy going to work and school. I think I had the hardest time learning to adapt to not being around the children all day. This was something the children also had to get use to i attached a comic that I believe at one time or another all us parents have had to deal with at one time or another and we all have to provide support and love them as well as building a home for them and they just do not understand all they know is they want their mommy or daddy.  How do you guys feel about children and your working or going to school full time?   How is it that you can work and go to school and meet all their needs at one time? 

As i said i loved being at home all day everyday. However I needed to get out of the house to be able to better help them and myself to live a better life. When they say that sometimes you just have to let go. Well then when is the right time to do so?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 7 Relationships and love

Love!!! What is love what does it mean?

        What does love mean to you there are many different meanings to love and the way it follows you through your teens to adult hood. Love in adulthood can be turned into romantic love which in turn can become complicated. However we learn what love is from our parents and can discover where and how to become a wonderful caring partner in life. 

         Love and relationships have come along way from being married at the age of 18 and a stay at home parents and wife to becoming and hard working parents and wife. Divorces are not frowned upon and are now accepted into our world. However there are women and men who are not accepting of this love and are abusive to their mate and this is however getting worse it was always bad but became known more to us in the past few years. I find this horrible and embarrassing to marriages. 

         There is something that is just not right and there should be some more changes. How do you feel about marriages and relationships? What is your in take on abusive situations. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 6 Teen Depression

Teen Depression and how it effects today's teens:

         Teens as well as young children display a small amount of signs of depression. However i noticed that when i was younger depression hit me about the age and time of high school when girls judged and boys were mean. The hormone imbalance i think played a really big role in my depression which sent me in the wrong way in life...

         They say that children begin to withdraw them selves from their friends and family locking them selves away and feeling worth less and sad all the time. Some individuals tend to feel like everyone is against them and that they can not do anything right. I can defiantly understand where they are coming from and understand where they are in their life myself and my son were and have been at one time diagnosed with depression and it's a horrible thing to go through you feel like nothing is worth doing or saying. You feel worthless and tired and you don't want to do anything. My son is going through this right now they say it's that age but i know that it's his ADHD and the fact that he started a new school this year and i know that can be hard. I wish that  this was not a true part of life but teens and some adults commit suicide or try to at least they feel like no one wants them and that they can not please anyone when we all know that it's not true. I think that schools should have more education and parents on what depression signs look like and how to help prevent or even just sit with the person in need. What do you think of depression i know a lot of people don't believe that it's real and that it's all in our heads????

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 5

Parenting styles and differences:

       There are so many different styles of parenting and every parent is different in their parenting styles. However, Not every style is the best to be taught. Some parents are more hands on with school work, discipline or even just staying on top of what their child is doing at any moment. Then there's parents who let their children do what ever they want to. With this style of parenting children don't tend to care about what their parents think or how they feel about what they are doing. With the parent who is all over their children's doing are always looking over their back wondering about what is going to happen if their parents find out. Why do you think that these two different styles are so different and how do you feel about how they justify discipline or how the children turn out? 

         I read in chapter 7 that your income level tends to explain how you parent and how you children are raised depends on where you live or how you live or even how stressed out you life is. I don't think that this is all true but i do understand how parents are to tried to deal with there kids when they get home and they don't have time because they work all the time. However as a parent my self I like to think that my children are polite and  respectful to others and always mind their own around our house. I work about 32 hours a week and go to school for 6 hours a week and then my husband works any where between 40 to 50 hours a week. however my kids have respect they help around the house and I do not allow them to just wonder the streets at anytime however I do allow them their own time to just be kids but have there respect to my husband and i at the same time with consequences for their actions if in trouble. 

      How do you feel about parenting and do you think that children should be allowed to do what they want to do?