Monday, April 15, 2013

Physical Development

wanted to talk a little more about my children and maybe see if there are other people out there dealing with the same if not similar situations as I am. 

       I have always wondered why my 6 years old is different from my 3 years old. The reason I ask this question all the time is because my 6 year old boy is 36 lbs. and only 42 inches tall and in the 5th percentile for all of his weight, height and speech as well he talks like a 3 year old. (Speech Delay witch he has had since he began to talk) Now on the other hand my 3 year old girl is 35 lbs. and 39 inches tall and in the 70th percentile and talks perfectly. Why is it that they are so different if they eat the exact same diet and have grown up the say way? These have been stumping our doctors and family for almost 5 years because when he was an infant he was in the 60th percentile and was perfectly healthy and nothing wrong with him at all till he hit about 1 year to a 1.5 years of age is when he stopped gaining weight and has put on very little since we have tried high fat diets and high calorie drinks and nothing not a single difference. They have done test after test on him and nothing has come back different they say that he is normal. However, that is not the case he happens to have a speech delay and they thought that this could be a factor in the lack of body growth but they have done test on the brain and nothing has come up. He is a very smart boy was walking by 1 and following all the other motor skills needed he is amazing at the computer, video games and loves to ride his bike. This just happens to be one of the many things that I have questions about there are a lot more that have been unanswered in my sons life however he is a happy and thriving little boy in everything he does. 


  1. I"m so glad to hear that, in spite of his size, your little boy is happy and thriving in all other areas! My daughter has a friend that didn't seem to be growing much at all throughout elementary, middle, and part of high school, but then all of a sudden he had a huge growth spurt!! He's now over six feet tall!! I'm just thinking that maybe your son will be the same way. Have any of the doctors suggested that this could happen?

  2. One of my good friends sons is also troubling with a speech delay. Although he is a bit younger than your son (hes 4), while being compared to his cousin who is 2 years younger than he is, his cousin is talking a lot more, and you can understand him. My friends son, can mumble stuff out, but it doesnt make sense or we cant understand him. they have done tests, and all the tests came back fine. doctors have just said that it will take time for him. and within this last year, hes been starting to pick up a few words here and there. but they still have a long ways to go. Good luck! it might just take some time for him!
