Sunday, June 9, 2013

Last Blog Chapter 16

Death and how are we suppose to take the lose of a loved one regardless of how old or young they are. These issues are dealt with on a daily bases with people loosing loved ones. However the fact is that do we help or do we just provide comfort for the ones we know are not going to be with us that much longer. I think that if an individual know that they are loosing a loved one they some what begin to understand that they are loosing that person and start the grieving processes a little early. Now not everyone knows they are going to loose someone and wont know till it happens and when this happens how do they react to this ending of life on short notice.My family lost a child at birth and they have still not come to terms of loosing that baby. You will never forget going into labor and expecting to have a healthy baby and loosing it right away. The grieving process it something that you will never forget. Once that child was born you feel like you are scared for life. I remember that day like it was yesterday even though it was 2 years ago. 

The way you expect to and are told how you will grieve is different on how you actually do grieve. I feel like no matter what or how you prepare for the death of someone is not any different on how you feel if someone dies out of the blue whether they are young old or full of life laughter or even in a bed all day they are and will always be a part of you life...

This has touched me in so many ways. How do you feel about loosing something that you love??? or someone you have felt so close to but have never meant? 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Week 9 Retirement

Week 9 Retirement:

          What would you do if you retired at an early age or even when you are suppose to? How would you keep busy and active in life when work was not a daily chore?

         My grandfather retired at the age of 50 after running an electrical company for almost 30 years straight. He had a well known company throughout our city and surrounding areas. However he was kept so busy for 30 years that he didn't know what to do with himself. He drove my grandmother up the wall with him being bored and always wanting to go out and do stuff that she finally just shoved him outside to do chores out their which then became even more expensive because he started to build and restore old cars to keep himself busy and away from driving my grandmother crazy. Now he's 76 and now almost another 30 years later and 3 great grandchildren later he's still drive my grandmother crazy. 

     See he came from a family of 12 kids and a stepmother and father who worked very hard to support their family when he was growing up however feeding that many was a challenge.  So when he became old enough to start his own company he took the chance however when he retired he didn't have a clue on what to do with all this extra time on his hands. My grandmother however was a stay at home mother of two and she did everything around the house so she was use to being home and not having to go out everywhere.  That is when retirement really sunk in for both of them they still find it hard to not go out all the time and they try to keep them selves very busy. Got to love what grandparents mean to us when we are around them as often as we can be...

     Where do you think you will be when you retire and become grandparents?